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Optionslam.com Reports - Column Heading Glossary

Optionslam.com tracks historical price movements based on earning dates and option calendar months. A rich set of filters and tools are available for members to search earning related statistics. A brief explanation of report column headers are listed below:

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Optionslam.com Research Statistics: Current Straddles on Earnings

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Optionslam.com Research Statistics: Historical Straddles on Earnings

  • Symbol w/ EVR

    The stock symbol also known as the ‘Ticker’ or ‘Ticker Symbol’. The number beside each symbol is the current OptionSlam EVR for that stock. This is a unique volatility rating system based on the stocks past movement after each earnings announcement. For example, NFLX(6.8) means Netflix Inc. has a current EVR of 6.8. Please read here for more information about the EVR calculation.

  • Current Price

    Updated daily, this is the most recent trading sessions’ closing price.

  • Average Volume

    The number of shares traded per day averaged over most recent three months.

  • Movement From Previous Earnings

    The day after the company releases their earnings announcement we record its price movements on a percentage basis relative to the Pre– Earnings Announcement close. This column summarizes the four most recent earnings and the maximum price movement within that one trading day.

  • Movement From Previous Months

    At OptionSlam.com we track each stocks price swings through every Option Expiration Cycle. The value is represented as a percentage of that months opening price to its high or low within that same expiration cycle, whichever is greater.

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